The Sommelier’s Guide to the Best Glasses for Aperol Spritz and Spritz Cocktails

Written by Robert McKean

June 22, 2024

Hello, cocktail enthusiasts and casual sippers alike! As a wine and spirits aficionado, my expertise often revolves around wines, but the art of choosing the perfect glass extends beautifully into the world of cocktails, particularly when discussing a vibrant and popular drink like the Aperol Spritz and, really, any Spritz Cocktail. This classic Italian aperitif has captured hearts with its bright color, effervescent character, and refreshing taste. Today, I’m here to guide you through selecting the best glasses for enjoying an Aperol Spritz, ensuring every sip is as delightful as intended.

Top Recommendations for Aperol Spritz Glasses

  1. Riedel Ouverture Magnum Red Wine Glass: While traditionally used for red wines, the volume and shape of this glass make it excellent for an Aperol Spritz. It allows the flavors to develop beautifully while providing enough space for ice and garnishes.
  2. Libbey Stemless Wine Glass: For a more modern take, the Libbey Stemless Wine Glasses are a great choice. These glasses are not only stylish but also practical, offering stability and a good surface area to enjoy the spritz’s aroma.
  3. Schott Zwiesel Tritan Crystal Glass Pure Stemware Collection: These glasses are designed with both durability and elegance in mind. The wide bowl and sturdy construction make them perfect for serving an effervescent Aperol Spritz.

Understanding the Aperol Spritz and Spritz Cocktails: A Taste of Italian Tradition

The Aperol Spritz has transcended its Italian roots to become a global icon of leisure and conviviality. This effervescent cocktail, a staple in Italian café culture, embodies the Italian tradition of the aperitivo, a pre-meal drink intended to open the palate and stimulate the appetite. The simplicity of its preparation and the depth of its flavors make the Aperol Spritz not just a beverage but a social experience shared across tables bustling with conversation and laughter.

The Composition of the Aperol Spritz


  • Aperol: The key ingredient, Aperol, is an Italian aperitif made from a secret recipe that includes rhubarb, cinchona, gentian, and a blend of herbs and roots. It provides the distinctive bitter-sweet flavor and vibrant orange color.
  • Prosecco: This Italian sparkling wine adds vivacity and body to the drink. The effervescence of Prosecco lifts the heavier bitter elements of Aperol, integrating the flavors into a harmonious blend.
  • Soda Water: A splash of soda water lightens the drink, adding a refreshing crispness that makes the Aperol Spritz wonderfully drinkable, especially on warm days.


  • The Aperol Spritz is traditionally served in a large wine glass filled with ice, topped with a slice of orange. This presentation not only enhances the visual appeal but also complements the aromatic profile of the drink.

The Appeal of the Aperol Spritz

Balance of Flavors: The Aperol Spritz strikes a perfect balance between sweetness, bitterness, and acidity. The sweetness of the Prosecco counters the bitterness of the Aperol, while the soda water adds a neutral yet zesty freshness that makes the drink both invigorating and easy to sip. This balance is crucial, as it allows the Aperol Spritz to be both a palate cleanser and a flavor enhancer, setting the stage for a meal.

Visual and Sensory Appeal: The striking orange hue of the Aperol Spritz is instantly recognizable and visually enticing. Its bright color and sparkling nature are not just a feast for the eyes but also an integral part of its allure, signaling a festive and social occasion. The gentle fizz, the clink of ice in the glass, and the bright slice of orange all contribute to a sensory experience that is as refreshing to the soul as it is to the palate.

Beyond the Aperol Spritz: The Spritz Family

The Aperol Spritz belongs to a broader family of spritz cocktails, each with its own unique twist but all sharing the same fundamental structure: an aperitif, a bubbly component, and a splash of soda. Variations might include different spirits like Campari, Cynar, or local amaros, and the choice of garnish can range from olives to lemon peels, catering to a variety of tastes and preferences.

Each version of the spritz offers a new way to explore the flavors and rituals of the aperitivo, providing a versatile canvas for experimentation while maintaining the core characteristics that make the spritz so beloved: refreshment, effervescence, and the ability to bring people together in moments of joy and relaxation.

Understanding the Aperol Spritz and its relatives in the spritz family allows one to appreciate not only a cocktail but a cornerstone of Italian cultural heritage, celebrated and enjoyed worldwide. Whether sipped in a bustling café, a quiet garden, or a lively bar, the Aperol Spritz remains a symbol of good company and the timeless pleasure of sharing a drink.

The Art of Selecting a Glass for the Aperol Spritz and the Perfect Spritz Cocktail Glasses

The Aperol Spritz, a quintessential Italian cocktail, is as much a visual and sensory delight as it is a beverage. The right glass not only serves a functional purpose but also enhances the entire drinking experience. Here’s a detailed look at what makes the perfect glass for enjoying this iconic aperitif.

Size and Volume

The choice of size and volume for an Aperol Spritz glass is crucial for several reasons:

  • Capacity: Opting for a large wine glass, typically between 12-20 ounces, is ideal. This size ensures there is enough room not only for the cocktail itself but also for ample ice and a full slice of orange. The ice keeps the drink cool while the orange enhances the aromatic profile.
  • Effervescence and Aroma: A larger glass allows for the gentle mingling of Prosecco, Aperol, and soda water. This interaction is vital as it enhances the cocktail’s effervescence—the lively bubbles that carry the zesty, herbal aromas to the nose, heightening the initial sensory impact of each sip.


The shape of the glass is another critical factor in the enjoyment of an Aperol Spritz:

  • Wide Bowl with Tapered Rim: A glass that widens at the bowl and narrows slightly at the top is perfect for a couple of reasons. First, the wide bowl accommodates a good volume of ice and beverage, essential for maintaining the desired dilution rate as the ice melts slowly. Second, the tapering at the rim helps concentrate the fragrant aromas of the cocktail, funneling them directly to the nose, which enhances the tasting experience before the drink even touches the lips.
  • Aeration: The wide opening of the glass also facilitates aeration, allowing the Aperol Spritz to breathe. As the cocktail interacts with the air, the flavors and aromas become more pronounced, making each sip richer and more flavorful.


Selecting the right material for your Aperol Spritz glass impacts both aesthetics and functionality:

  • Clarity: A clear glass is essential for fully appreciating the vibrant, sunset-orange hue of the Aperol Spritz. This visual appeal is a significant part of why the drink is so beloved, symbolizing leisure and la dolce vita. The clear glass makes the cocktail not just a drink but a centerpiece, inviting admiration and enjoyment.
  • Durability: The glass’s robustness is particularly important if you enjoy your Aperol Spritz outdoors, which is common at garden parties, poolside gatherings, or beachfront toasts. A sturdy glass ensures durability and safety, especially in environments where a glass might be more likely to be knocked over or subjected to uneven surfaces.

The perfect glass for an Aperol Spritz is more than just a container—it’s a crucial component that enhances every aspect of your cocktail experience. From the size and shape to the material of the glass, each element plays a strategic role in optimizing the flavor, aroma, and overall enjoyment of the drink. By choosing wisely, you ensure that each Aperol Spritz you serve not only tastes great but also captures the essence of Italian sophistication and festivity. Cheers to selecting a glass that turns every sip into a celebration!

Top Recommendations for Aperol Spritz Glasses

  1. Riedel Ouverture Magnum Red Wine Glass: While traditionally used for red wines, the volume and shape of this glass make it excellent for an Aperol Spritz. It allows the flavors to develop beautifully while providing enough space for ice and garnishes.
  2. Libbey Stemless Wine Glass: For a more modern take, the Libbey Stemless Wine Glasses are a great choice. These glasses are not only stylish but also practical, offering stability and a good surface area to enjoy the spritz’s aroma.
  3. Schott Zwiesel Tritan Crystal Glass Pure Stemware Collection: These glasses are designed with both durability and elegance in mind. The wide bowl and sturdy construction make them perfect for serving an effervescent Aperol Spritz.

Mastering the Art of Serving an Aperol Spritz: Temperature, Garnishing, and Proportions

The Aperol Spritz, with its invigorating blend of Prosecco, Aperol, and soda water, has become synonymous with social gatherings and leisurely afternoons. To ensure every glass of this beloved cocktail is as refreshing and flavorful as intended, consider these detailed tips on serving temperature, garnishing, and maintaining the correct proportions.

Optimal Temperature for an Aperol Spritz

The key to a perfect Aperol Spritz is serving it cold. The chill not only enhances the drink’s refreshing quality but also subtly tones down the bitterness of the Aperol, allowing the sweeter and citrus notes to shine. Here’s how to keep it at the ideal temperature:

  • Use Plenty of Ice: Fill the glass with ice before adding the ingredients. The ice should come near the top of the glass, providing a cold base that keeps the drink chilled from the first sip to the last. Using larger ice cubes or spheres can be an effective way to keep the drink cold for a longer period without quick dilution, as they melt more slowly than standard ice cubes.
  • Chill Your Ingredients: For an extra touch of refreshment, keep your Prosecco, Aperol, and even your soda water chilled in the refrigerator before making the cocktail. This step ensures that every component contributes to a deliciously cold Aperol Spritz.

Garnishing Your Aperol Spritz

While often seen as just an embellishment, the garnish in an Aperol Spritz plays a crucial role in the overall flavor profile of the drink. The classic garnish is a slice of orange, and here’s why it’s important:

  • Enhances Flavor: The orange slice releases oils and essence into the cocktail, enhancing the citrus notes that complement the Aperol’s own orange flavors. This addition brightens the drink and balances the bitterness.
  • Visual Appeal: Besides its flavor benefits, an orange slice adds a pop of color and an element of sophistication to the presentation of the drink, making it not only tastier but also more visually appealing.
  • Serving Suggestion: Place a fresh orange slice either directly in the drink or on the rim of the glass. You can also add a twist by including an orange peel for an extra burst of citrus aroma.

Proportions for Perfection

Maintaining the classic 3:2:1 ratio of Prosecco, Aperol, and soda water is vital for achieving the perfect balance of flavors in an Aperol Spritz:

  • Three Parts Prosecco: The base of the cocktail, Prosecco provides effervescence and body. It should be poured gently over the ice to maintain its bubbly texture.
  • Two Parts Aperol: Aperol gives the cocktail its characteristic vibrant color and unique flavor. Pouring it over the back of a spoon onto the Prosecco can help distribute it evenly throughout the glass.
  • One Part Soda Water: This component adds lightness and dilutes the mixture slightly, making the drink more refreshing and drinkable. Adding the soda water last helps keep the fizz alive.

By following these tips on temperature, garnishing, and proportions, you can serve an Aperol Spritz that not only looks spectacular but also delights the senses. This approach ensures that each element—from the chill of the drink to the aroma of the orange—works in harmony to create a refreshing cocktail experience that’s perfect for any occasion. Cheers to mastering the art of the perfect Aperol Spritz!


By choosing the right glass and following these serving tips, you can elevate your Aperol Spritz experience, making every sip a testament to the joys of Italian aperitivo culture. Whether you’re hosting a party or enjoying a quiet sunset, the perfect glass will make your Aperol Spritz not just a drink, but an occasion. Cheers to finding the ideal glass that complements this delightful cocktail, enhancing both its taste and its celebratory spirit!

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